Asphalt mixture compaction is an important procedure of asphalt mixture construction and can significantly affect the performance of asphalt pavement. Inadequate compaction results in low density and consequently low stiffness, reduced fatigue life, accelerated aging, rutting and moisture damage. On the contrary, adequate compaction of asphalt is essential to ensure the design performance of the mix and expected service life of the pavement.

ARC - Asphalt Roller Compactor
Application: asphalt
Property: compaction
ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
Application: asphalt
Property: compaction

GyroResearch - Gyratory compactor
Application: compaction
Property: asphalt

Large Roller Compactor – Pneumatic Tyred Roller
Application: compaction
Property: asphalt

Marshall Automatic EN Compactor
Application: compaction
Property: asphalt