Products A - Z
Packaged cement tube sampler
Application: sampling
Property: cement-mortar
Pan type mixer, high quality
Application: mixers
Property: concrete
Particle Charge Tester
Application: bitumen
Property: laboratory analysis
Particle size analysis - Hydrometer method
Application: laboratory analysis
Property: soil
Particle size distribution - Pipette method
Application: laboratory analysis
Property: soil
Pavement core drilling machine 5 HP
Application: drilling / sawing
Property: concrete diagnosis
PAVEMIX - Asphalt laboratory mixer
Application: mixing
Property: asphalt
Pavetest Bending Beam Rheometer
Application: bitumen, asphalt
Property: pavetest - static and dynamic, pavetest - static and dynamic
Perforated Plate Sieves, Round Holes
Application: sieving - sieves shakers
Property: aggregates-rocks
Perforated Plate Sieves, Square Holes
Application: sieving - sieves shakers
Property: aggregates-rocks
Perma™ Rapid Chloride Permeability Testing
Application: permeability & electrical resistance
Property: concrete diagnosis
Permeability constant oil/water pressure system
Application: aggregates-rocks
Property: permeabilty
PGI Cell_Essential: Half-cel potentie en corrosie detectie
Application: concrete diagnosis
Property: corrosion analysis
Plastic cube mould 150 mm - Reinforced
Application: moulds
Property: concrete
Plastic limit
Application: laboratory analysis
Property: soil
Plate bearing equipment, 200 kN
Application: asphalt
Property: test on site
Plate bearing equipment, dial gauge 100 kN
Application: plate bearing test - plate load
Property: soil
Portable vibrating table for laboratory test
Application: concrete
Property: compaction of concrete
PosiTector® CMM IS
Application: concrete diagnosis
Property: moisture content
PosiTector® DPM - Dew Point Meters
Application: concrete diagnosis
Property: moisture content
PosiTector® SPG
Application: aggregates-rocks
Property: surface roughness
PosiTest CMM - Concrete Moisture Meter
Application: concrete diagnosis
Property: moisture content
PPS Polistirene prism mould 3-gang
Application: cement-mortar
Property: compacting and moulds
Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV)
Application: superpave
Property: bitumen
Proctor Mould and Rammers, EN
Application: proctor and cbr
Property: soil
Proctor Moulds and Rammers, ASTM/AASHTO
Application: proctor and cbr
Property: soil