ZFG 3000 | ZORN Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
The Light Weight Deflectometer is used to determine the dynamic deformation modulus Evd [MN/m²] by means of the dynamic plate load test. This provides conclusions on the bearing capacity and compaction quality of soils.
The main field of application for Light Weight Deflectometers is earthworks and traffic route construction. Other areas of application include gardening and landscaping and soil exploration.
The mechanical components of the ZFG 3000 Light Weight Deflectometers are surface-treated and withstand even rough construction site conditions. In addition, we offer compact measuring electronics in a robust case with internal data memory for more than 10,000 measurements, SD card drive and a mega-strong battery for long runtimes. A thermal printer and an integrated GPS receiver as well as a WIFI transmitter for wireless, fast and secure transmission of measurement data from ZFG to Smartphone, Tablet or PC are also included. And if it gets dusty, close the case lid and operate the device conveniently from the outside.
Toepassing: Bodems
Eigenschap: Dynamic plate load test
- Testing under harsh site conditions with surface-finished mechanical components
- Testing in confined locations (e.g. bridge underpasses, pipe trenches)
- Can be used without a loading vehicle or other auxiliary equipment
- Unique, ergonomic catch handle in triangular design for better handling of the LWD, prevents rolling during transport. The handle is made in one piece, without welded joints that are prone to breakage (We provide a lifetime warranty on this!).
- Load plate as standard with intelligent adapter spigot to changeover the LWD to a smaller 150 load plate or to dynamic CBR testing (lab and field)
- Integrated calibration reminder and unique self-test for functional control of the instrument
- Standard, powerful GPS receiver with coordinates display
- WIFI transmitter for wireless, fast and secure transmission of measurement data
- Backlit graphics display with curve display
- Integrated quality thermal printer for printouts directly on site
- Internal memory for approx. 10,000 measurements, simultaneous automatic storage of the determined data on SD card
- Input of supplementary information (text input on the device)
- Preloading impacts can be optionally switched off
- Audible signal for confirmation of valid measurement impacts
- Integrated plausibility check
- Very short test duration of two minutes with very easy handling
- Settlement device incl. SD card slot, SD card, printer and GPS (optional)
- Bearing plate 300 mm with acceleration sensor and adapter pin (surface finished)
- Adapter pin is at the same time an interchangeable pin for CBR (lab and field) and a 150 bearing plate
- 10 kg loading device (Evd 15-70 MN/m²)
- Optional with 15 kg loading device (Evd 70-105 MN/m²)
- Calibration record (automatic calibration reminder via the measuring electronics)
- Confirmed calibration certificate
- Instruction manual
The evaluation of the measurement results of your LWD 3000 can be carried out directly on the construction site or on the PC in your office.
After completion of each measurement, the result including all measurement curves can be read on the large, backlit display. The data is automatically stored in the internal memory and (!) on the inserted SD card.
With the integrated thermal printer, you can create printouts on site. The printouts show the dynamic deformation module Evd, the measured individual settlements and mean values, the ratio of settlement to settlement velocity (s/v), as well as GPS position (GPS module optional with purchase) and the text entry of the measurement location.
Using the SD card, up to 10,000 measurements can be safely stored. The ZORN FG Software enables the individual display of the measurement logs with all detailed information, summary logs and evaluation in a statistical display. Interfaces to various map providers such as Google Maps enable the display of the respective measuring point on a map or in a satellite image.
A documentation of your test is thus safe and at the same time conceivably simple.
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